TedXTalks allows us to discover new perspectives, breakthroughs, ideas, and insights. As much as they could improve the world, they can also help you learn your language!

Recently, I was searching for videos to watch in my target language, Spanish. After scrolling through a few, a ted talk in Spanish popped up in my recommendation list.
Mind blowing moment right there.
Ted X Talks are the best. Not only is the content interesting, but the speakers are so inspiring. If you haven't watched one yet, Ted X Talks are basically invited speakers who talk about wide range of topics, science, politics, or just random fun ideas.
Now they're in foreign languages too! As of right now, I know they have it in Spanish, French, and German (Spanish being the language with most videos) There are only a few in Chinese. However, you can also just put on your target langue subtitles in regular Ted X Talk videos.
Here is the link for Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCshVTOdmZLdLj8LTV1j_0uw

They also have a podcast!
Here is the link: https://www.ted.com/podcasts/ted-en-espanol
Even if you aren't interested in what they say, I still recommend you put it on while you go on with your daily life.
I know there is some controversy over passive listening, but I think at the very minimum you can improve your pronunciation because you hear how words are being sounded out. (active listening is definitely a much better option)
There are of course many other YouTube channels, but for those who love Ted Talks and learning languages, you're in luck! :)
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