Head, shoulders, rodillas and toes! Wait...rodillas?!?! What is that? Well, in this post you'll find out what rodilla and many other body parts are in Spanish. I've included pictures and ways to remember them in Spanish! I can't think of creative ways to memorize every one of them, but check it out and enjoy :) Please leave a like on this comment if you enjoyed it and a comment for any suggestions.
Orange text: Similar-sounding words in English to help you remember
Picture this: Funky scenarios that will give you a visual image of the word
Think of: References to history, present-day pop culture, people, etc. so you can make links with the word!

La axila/ el sobaco- armpit
La barba- Beard
-Picture this: The barber took care of his long beard
El bigote-mustache
Picture this: usually, goats grow beards, but the one big goat I saw at the zoo of "eccentric" animals" grew a wild mustache
La boca-mouth
Think of: You know the company Toca Boca? Don't tell me you've never played around on the displayed Apple products. Well, in case you didn't, their logo is a smiley face with a large mouth showing off colorful teeth (Feel free to search it up- just make sure you come back!)
El brazo-arm
La cabeza-head
La cadera-hip
La cara/la faz/el rostro- face
La ceja-eyebrow
El cerebro- brain
-Sounds like "cerebrum"- The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and has two hemispheres
El codo- elbow
Picture this: The arm is pulled in right now (at a 90 degree angle). To enter into the secret liar of...bisceps, one must enter a code in the elbow.
El corazón- Heart
Think of: "I hear it in the deep heart's core"
El cuello-neck
El cuerpo-body
El dedo/El dedo del pie-finger/toe
El diente-tooth
Dentist pulls out your tooth!
La espalda-back
El estomago/la panza/la barriga
"El estomago" sounds like stomach
La frente-forehead
The front of your head is your forehead
La garganta-throat
It sounds like gargle, like when you gargle water in your throat
El hombro- shoulder
Picture this: some hombres(men) have big hombros(shoulders)
El hueso- bone
El labio- lip
La lagrima- teardrop
When you are grim, you shed teardrops
La lengua- tongue
You use your tongue to speak different languages
Thank you for reading and I hope this helped! Stay tuned for Pt.2 !