Hola todos! This is part 2 of body parts in Spanish with memory tools!
Orange text: Similar-sounding words in English to help you remember
Picture this: Funky scenarios that will give you a visual image of the word
Think of: References to history, present-day pop culture, people, etc. so you can make links with the word!
Looks like: Words that look like English words

La mano- hand
You use your hand to do manual work
La mejilla- cheek
Picture this: "The tortilla flew out of my mouth and onto my cheek"
La muela- molar, tooth
La muñeca- wrist
Note: Muñeca also means ´doll´ in Spanish
To link these two definitions together, think of a girl holding a doll by the wrist
La nariz- nose
El oído- inner ear
Picture This: oh weeeee do! you could hear the sirens through your inner ear
El ojo- eye
Picture this: The word "ojo" looks like two eyes with a nose
El ombligo- navel, belly button
La oreja- outer ear
El párpado- eyelid
Sounds like: "part"- think of your eyelids parting to open your eyes
Las patillas- sideburns
El pecho- chest
El pelo, el cabello- hair
La pestaña- eyelash
El pie- foot
My foot stepped in the pie on accident
La piel- skin
My skin started to peel after being in the water for too long
La pierna- leg
El pulmón- lung
Our lungs pull in and out air to breathe
La rodilla- knee
Our knee helps rotate our leg around
La sangre-blood
(kind of sounds like sacred-think of blood being sacred in some religions)
El sudor-sweat
After a long workout, our sweat leaves a strong odor
El talón-heel
Looks Like: The strange shoe store sold high heels with heels as sharp as talons!

La tez-complexion
El tobillo-ankle
Picture this: Toby-O was walking with his other brothers, Toby-A and Toby-B. Toby-O wasn't aware of where he was walking, and accidentally tripped on an old witch's ankle. She cursed Toby-O and turned him into a putrid ankle. To memorialize him, tobillo means ankle in Spanish.
La uña-fingernail, toenail
La vena-vein
Sounds like vein
Thank you for reading! Please leave a like and comment (this took me a while to make ;-;)