Q:Why did the chicken cross the road? (Por qué el pollo ha atrevesado la calle?)
A: To learn what 'chiste' means in English (Para aprender qué signifíca chiste en ingles)
With this extremely cheesy joke aside, today I will be exploring the word 'chiste' in my vocab series.

Meaning: Joke, as in a short funny story, prank, or trick (anything to make someone laugh)
P.S Contar chistes means "to tell jokes"
Method to memorize: Chiste kind of sounds like "cheese sticks" Think of this joke:
Knock Kncok
Who's there?
Cheese stick
Cheese stick who?
I was just telling you a chiste!
Word origin:
Chiste comes from the verb chistar, meaning "to call to attention, to speak"
My example sentences:
Entiendes los chistes de mi tío? Creo que ellos no son graciosos.
Do you understand my uncle's jokes? I think they aren't funny
El chiste favorito de mi papá es: No me llames "más tarde¨¨, llámame ¨papá¨
My dad's favorite joke is: "Don't call me later, call me dad"
El lunes vamos a hacer un chiste al profesor.
On Monday, we're going to pull a prank on the teacher
Thanks for reading! Come back for next week's word of the week!