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💻Technology in Spanish/Memory tools and example sentences💻

Writer's picture: claireclaire

Updated: Jun 19, 2020

How many hours do you go on your phone a day? Technology plays a big role in our everyday lives, from chatting with your friends to writing a school essay. In this post, I will be listing out 20+ crucial words about tech in Spanish that you need to know along with some helpful memory tips so you won't be too overwhelmed.



Orange text: Similar-sounding words in English to help you remember

Picture this: Funky scenarios that will give you a visual image of the word

Think of: References to history, present-day pop culture, people, etc. so you can make links with the word!

Break the word apart: Some words are merely 2 separate words combined together

Underlined words: Example sentences with the word


(Most of these are cognates-meaning they look and sound similar to their English translation)

Note: A lot of these words have other meanings, but this blog focuses on the use of these words in the context of technology
Furthernote: All images come from pixabay (no need to sue me for copyright)

Feel free to print this page out as a reference guide!

La aplicación- application

Desde que descargué esta aplicación, mi computadora está muy lenta

Ever since I downloaded this application, my computer is very slow

La cámara digital de video- digitial/video camera

Para la clase de fotografía, necesitmaos una cámara digital de video.

For the photography class, we need a digital camera

El canal- TV channel

El canal favorito de mi hermanita es Pepa Pig

My sister´s favorite channel is Pepa Pig

El cargador- charger

Se me olvidó mi cargador y mi mobíl está muerto!

I forgot my charger and my phone is dead!

El cibercafé- cybercafe/ internet cafe

Vamos al cibercafé para beber café y navegar en Internet

We´re going to the cybercafe to drink coffee and search the Internet

El control remoto- remote control

Dondé está el control remoto?!? Lo necesito para cambiar el canal!

Where is the remote control? I need it to change the channel!

El correo de voz- voice mail

Correo means mail and voz means voice

Déjame un correo de voz

Leave me a voice mail

El disco compacto- CD

Este disco compacto tiene mis canciónes favoritos de los Beetles

This CD has my favorite songs from the Beetles

El estéreo- stereo

Traiste el estéreo a la fiesta?

Did you bring the stereo to the party?

La pantalla táctil- touch screen

Se me cayó mi computadora y ahora la pantalla táctil no funciona

I dropped my computer and now the touch screen doesn't work

Pantalla- screen

El radio- radio (Set)

El reproductor de MP3- MP3 player

El teléfono celular- cell phone

El televisor- television set

Apagar- to turn off

Picture this- Did you know that there used to be a bagger machine? That is until storeowners often forgot to turn them off. That just left a lot of empty bags thrown about! Now we hire "baggers" to do this job for us

Cada vez sales la casa, apaga la luz para conservar energía.

Funcionar- to work

Looks like "function", which also means "to work"

Llamar- to call

Poner, prender- to turn on

Note: poner also means "to put"

Sonar (o:ue)- to ring

El tiembre está sonando! por favor abre la puerta!

The doorbell is ringing! Please open the door!

Descompuesto/a-not working/out of order

"Dis-compost" Think: "Diss this compost, it's not working, it's only creating a foul odor in our backyard"

Estupendo, la impresora está descompuesta y necesito imprimir algo importante!

Perfect, the printer is out of order and I need to print something important!


See story below


Lento and Lleno are two twins, after all, their names sound similar, right?

Lento is an expert at cooking lentils, but cooks them slowly. Lento cooks

lentils a bit too much, so Lleno is full of them.

Lento y lleno son gemeros, después de todo, sus nombres suenan por igual, no? Lento es un experto en cocina lentils, pero los cocina lento. Lento cocina lentils un poco de más, así que Lleno es lleno de ellos.

El archivo- file


Guarda el documento en el archivo

Save the document in the file

La arroba- @ symbol

"a robe"

Think of: You just texted your friend that you got a robe @ the mall

Todas las dirreciónes de correo eléctronicos tiene una arroba

All email addresses have an @ symbol

El blog- blog

El buscador- browser

Note- buscar means ´¨to find¨¨

La computadora (portátil)- (Portable computer, laptop)

La conexión inalámbrica- wireless (connection)

Espero que el hotel tiene la conexión inalámbrica

I hope the hotel has wireless connection

El alambre- wire

It's alarming that my pet keeps chewing on my wire!

Es alarmente que mi mascota siempre mastica mi alambre!

El adjunto/adjuntar- attachment/to attach

Te adjunto el archivo para que lo mires

I´m attaching you the file so you can see it

El aparato- equipment device, system

Think of: a parrot is like a squawking device

Tengo que arreglar este aparato

I have to fix this device

El dispositivo- device

You deposit information into your device

La conexión- connection

En muchos pobres países, no hay conecciones de Internet

In a lot of poor countries, there aren´t Internet connections

El disco duro- hard drive

El enlace- link

Think of: lace binding (linking) clothing together

Haga clic en el enlace

Click on the link

El motor de busqueda- search engine

Google es un motor de busqueda es utilizado por muchos

Google is a search engine used by many

Recargar- recharge

Sabes que una persona recarga su teléfono casi tres veces al día?

Do you know a person charges his/her phone almost three times a day?

El cargador-charger

Reiniciar- restart

Sounds like: Reinstate, which means to restore, kind of like restart

Si la página se congela, intente reinciarlo.

If the web page freezes, try refreshing it

Ajustes- settings

You adjust your computer by going to the settings

Hay que adjusta la computadora yendo al ajustes

Tomacorriente- electrical outlet

La memoria- flash/ USB- thumb drive, flash drive, etc.

The flash drive has a "memory"

La página- web page

La torre-pylon

Estos torres sustienen calbes que transportan electricidad.

These pylons hold cables that transport electricity

El virus- virus

El virus borró todos los programas en mi computadora

The virus erased all the programs on my computer

Cortar y pegar- cut and paste

Hay una opción que te deja cortar y pegar si haces un clic izquierdo.

There is an option that lets you copy and paste if you left-click

hacer (doble) clic-to (double) click

Meter- to insert, to put

Think of: You insert your money in a parking meter

Ellos metieron un imagen en el documento

They inserted an image in the document

Thank you for reading! If you have any suggestions, please leave them down below! Part two is coming up so stay tune!


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