Welcome to the third vocab post! It's been a while as these posts take a while to make,but don't worry I'm still learning a handful of vocab each day;it's just that I don't always have the time to flesh them out,so I'm thinking of maybe doing these weekly~
Desconocido/a (adj)
Meaning: unknown (as in unknown person, fact, or something that is yet to be discovered)
Memory Tool: Conocido is well-known,which stems from the verb "conocer" which means "to know" So desconocido is "not well-known"
Antonym: conocido (well known, famous)

My example sentences:
1) Nadie conoce quién es Mark porque usualmente él se sienta solo y enteonces es desconocido. Así que todos estaban sorprendidos cuando él llegó a la fiesta.
No one knows who Mark is because usually he sits alone and so he is unknown. So everyone was surprised when he came to the party.
2) Muchos animales en el oceano son desconocidos y los científicas necesitan descubrirlos
A lot of animals in the ocean are unknown and scientists need to discover them.
Thanks for reading!